Monday, December 29, 2008

Ten Steps To Follow To Hypnotise Anyone

1. Decide on your subject then you should always make sure you are in a patient mood..... The person you pick has to be willing to be hypnotized. Hypnosis doesn't work on everyone, so don't worry if it doesn't work on this person. It also takes a lot of practice. A great way to check if someone is a suitable subject is to tell them to close their eyes and imagine one of their hands getting lighter and lighter. Then tell them that their other hand is getting heavier and heavier. If one hand rises and the other hand lowers, then they're a good subject to use.

2. Set the mood. The room does not necessarily have to be silent. However, you need to find ways to keep the subject relaxed. Make sure the room isn't too hot or cold, and that the noises in the room aren't distracting. Playing soft, calming music can help. Make sure the subject is sitting comfortably in a chair and let them slouch as much as they need to.

3. Before you start the relaxation process Have them breath in deeply through their nose, and out deeply through their mouth. Then get them to tense their muscles really tightly for 10 seconds, then have them untense them for 10, then retense for another 10. This should get them feeling loose all over, and the oxygen to the brain will make them relaxed.

4. Mental Contract. Tell them that they agree that they are going to be hypnotised, and that they agree to let you hypnotize them to do anything. This part opens their subconscious, allowing you to do all sorts of bizarre things to them!

5. Begin the relaxation process. Have them lie down and tell them to close their eyes. This part gets very boring for the hypnotist, but the fun stuff is coming. Tell them that you are going to count down backwards from 100 to 0. Tap your foot every second you count and tell them that with every tap they are going to get sleepier and sleepier (DO NOT say the infamous: "You are getting sleeeeeeeeeeepy". It is stereotypical, stupid and never actually works. Do that and you'll get a permanent ban!) Tell them that by the time you reach zero they will be asleep. Start counting. On every number ending in 7 or 3, remind them how tired they are getting. For example: 100, 99, 98, 97 - you are getting more tired and more tired - 96, 95, 94, 93 - you are getting more tired and more tired - 92, etc. You should be counting down at the rate of one digit every two foot taps. Yes, that slow. Boring, I know. Every ten digits, tell them that by the next 10 counts they are going to be twice as tired. For example: 92, 91, 90 - now by the time I reach 80 you are going to be twice as tired, twice as relaxed, and twice as feeling good - 89 etc. Eventually that will be getting them super sleepy. By the time you reach zero they should be asleep.

6. Prepare them for manipulation. Tell them to imagine themselves in a dreamy, wonderful meadow that is warm and happy. Say that there is a cloud in the sky that is sweeping down and picking them up and up and up. It's soft and happy and starts absorbing their toes, cool, tingly, and numb. It is moving up their feet, absorbing their ankles. Eventually have the cloud move up their entire body, eventually engulfing their body and making them numb, cool and tingly. Do this slowly, going through every body part individually.

7. Begin manipulation, but within bounds. Tell them that when the cloud moves, their body moves with the cloud, and it starts by lifting their arm. Specify which arm, and say that it keeps lifting up and up and up.Once their arm is extended in the air (this usually takes a while the first time, but once you get them to move their arm once, it should all happen faster.) Tell them their arm is limp and heavy as lead. It should drop. This should have you thinking, "Oh my gosh! Yes! Now eat this steak." *gives them a shoe* And yes, you are about to have a very fun time. However, you can't just impose things on the hypnotized. If you are too pushy, they will wake up. If you mess up, they will wake, and you will have to get them back into the trance all over again. Here's what to say to get them to do specific commands (For this I am going to use the gnawing on a shoe example.) Tell them the cloud is lowering them into their favorite restaurant and that every food imaginable is on the menu. They can order whatever they want. They will then tell you their order. Tell them you are giving them their food (give them the shoe) and tell them its going to be the tastiest thing ever. They will start gnawing on it, and probably complain that its really tough. It's super fun!

8. Bring your subject out of the trance. Count in a positive, upbeat voice, adding energy to the subject with each number ("You are getting more and more awake..."). Just before you wake them, you can give them a positive boost - like telling them that they will rest well that night - or a final trick - like telling them that they will laugh uncontrollably whenever someone shakes their hand. These effects will eventually wear off, but it's fun to watch.

9. Collect the cash and/or applause.

10. If you want them to go back into the state of hypnosis, try asking them to follow one point on your hand with their eyes (not head) and talking soothingly, then saying "sleep" at an unexpected moment. If they were in a deep state that they have not yet fully awoken from,they should go back into it.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why is hypnosis good for you?

For a long time hypnosis has had a bad name. If a person doesn't understand something they have 3 options open to them.

1. They might be negative and therefore save the effort of looking further and possibly benefiting.
2. They may conclude it is dangerous and to be avoided no matter what.
3. They may spend their precious time discovering the truth behind the hype.

Its normal to be suspicious about something if you don't know much and most of what you know is not true. Some people assume hypnosis is a part of a magic show, others consider it mystic bullsh*t or "mind control". For the people who look beyond the hype the truth is far more illuminating.

The most powerful tool you possess

There are huge potential benefits for those who use hypnosis as part of their everyday life. Understanding hypnosis will let you see its real power to improve human performance in a emotional, physical and intellectual aspects.

Determine your self to find out everything about hypnosis and Im sure it will change your life!

How can hypnosis help you

It will help you overcome shyness. You will be able to talk and approach anybody.

You will be able to motivate your self in order to be more concentrated and focused.

It will help you overcome exhaustion and you will finally be able to work out in the gym.

You will be able to feel the way you want. If you want to be calm, you will be. If you want to be happy, you will be.

Hypnosis gives you a chance to hold life in your hands and control yourself

How do hypnotists control people

Most people think that being 'controlled' in hypnosis is to be like a robot, an automaton that is forced to obey the every whim of the hypnotist. They can only influence others, hypnotists do not control people.

So what is hypnosis like?

Hypnosis is not like being in coma or something. During it, you can still think logically but you also have access to the "software" of your mind so that you can update and reinstall instinctive physical and emotional responses. In fact when you are hypnotized, you are the one calling the shots. Every hypnotist makes things the way you will like it.

Why you need to reclaim hypnosis for yourself

Hypnosis is something you deserve, it is your birthright. It is nature's greatest learning tool. Actually to learn and perform anything well, you need to go trough a natural focusing of attention, a natural kind of hypnosis. In order to be successful hypnosis has to be your companion and friend.

Successful people use it naturally all the time because hypnosis is natural. Unlike most medications it has only positive side effects. Improving one thing will improve another, its like a chain.

Hypnosis is the best way to self improvement. It, being easy to learn and use, will open new doors and discover new horizons for you. Asking a woman out for a date, learn quicker and more accurately, become the person you dream of. In other words hypnosis gives you the chance to develop your self and to help the people around you improve their lives.

Learn The Secrets Of Hypnosis, Hypnotize Anyone Easily

Friday, July 25, 2008

Learn How To Hypnotize Free

If you know where to look online, you can start to learn how to hypnotize free. There are a number of tutorials and even some free courses that will introduce you to the basics of learning self hypnosis. You can also find free hypnosis scripts available for download and sometimes you will strike lucky and even find a free hypnosis mp3.

One thing you should keep in mind when you are searching online to learn how to hypnotize for free is to look at the qualifications of the hypnotist who wrote the items you are downloading. Remember to see what hypnosis training they have undertaken and the qualifications they received after they completed the training. Hypnosis is perfectly safe but it still makes sense that you rely on someone who has undergone some training in hypnosis. After all, you wouldn't let someone rewire your house unless they could prove that they were a qualified electrician. The same should go for a hypnotist who is talking direct to your mind!

When you are hypnotized, you will be in a trance-like state. Exactly what happens when you are under hypnosis will vary from session to session and from hypnotist to hypnotist. You are likely to be asked to close your eyes, which is why stage hypnotists say "sleep" to their subjects. Despite what you may have been led to believe by watching stage hypnosis shows, you can't do anything under hypnosis that you wouldn't do if you weren't hypnotized. The people on stage hypnosis shows have given themselves permission to act when they went up on the stage.

Hypnosis will help your subconscious mind to set a target. For instance, you may want to use hypnosis for weight loss. This is quite a common hypnosis goal. The hypnosis session will start as normal by putting you into trance. It will then continue by placing pictures of the new, slimmer, you into your mind. The hypnosis weight loss session will then likely continue by talking about the food you eat and associating pleasant things with healthy food and less pleasant feelings with less healthy food.

Likewise if you have a stop smoking hypnosis session, the hypnotist will put thoughts about smoking in your mind that are less pleasant.

Incidentally, you shouldn't expect to find a hypnosis weight loss or stop smoking session available for free. Hypnotists need to earn a living and these are two of the most popular reasons to use hypnosis.

Get Your Free Hypnosis Info Here!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Basic Steps in Hypnosis

When you are planning to learn basics of How to Hypnotize Someone it is suggested that you try to seek help of any professional hypnotist & learn from him or her. That said, note that it is often not easy to convince any professional hypnotist to teach you.

This is for ethical reasons. And it's because for any processional hypnotist who is making his or her living on the income coming out of this profession, sharing secrets will obviously create competition in the field, not always desired.

Basic Hypnosis Points

There are some points to be considered when you are planning to hypnotize someone in particular.

1. Every person can not be hypnotized.

2. The level by which people gets under the effect of hypnotism vary from person to person.

3. It is difficult to hypnotize a person with high ego; plus it is comparatively easier to hypnotize a low profile person.

4. People of different sex, age & brainpower have varied resistance to hypnosis.

5. No can be hypnotized against his or her will. This is point of debate & not all hypnotists agree over this point.

Basic Steps of Hypnosis

With keeping above points in mind here is how to start practical hypnosis.

1. First, test the subject to find out how 'suggestible' he or she is. There are two easy tests to find out how 'suggestible' the person is:

a. Ask him to roll his eyes upwards as far as he can. The less the colored partof the eye you see, the more easily you can hypnotize him.


b. Ask them to look at a small light in a darkened room. Then pretend to move the light and ask them �if it is moving or not?�The person who quickly replies affirmative will be easier to hypnotize.

2. When performing hypnosis look for a quiet, secure, soothing environment, without any noise or disturbance. The disturbance like music, television can cause lose of concentration for you as well as the subject.

3. Don�t try to be in charge of subject�s mind rather try to make him responding to your directions.

4. Ask the subject to close his or her eyes. Then allow a short silent period. This period can be up to 1 minute or less depending upon the suggestibility of the subject. This silent period will help the subject to become calm and comfortable.

5. Start a gentle talk in a encouraging way. Ask subject to do some simple task, like moving the hand or finger up & down.

6. Next stage is to 'take command'. You can lead subject to do some types of actions easily e.g. blink eyes, visualize a fly around, movement of arms, legs. It is difficult but not impossible to lead a subject to more difficult actions like he is of age 7 & repeatedly asking for ice-cream or can run fast like Superman or has forgotten even his own name.. .

7. Do not forget your aim. As a hypnotist your aim is to relax the subject & make him unaware to their surroundings and get his focus on you and your directions.

To recap: start with simple instruction then gradually move to difficult instructions. Perform under quiet, secure, soothing environment.