Saturday, March 15, 2008

Basic Steps in Hypnosis

When you are planning to learn basics of How to Hypnotize Someone it is suggested that you try to seek help of any professional hypnotist & learn from him or her. That said, note that it is often not easy to convince any professional hypnotist to teach you.

This is for ethical reasons. And it's because for any processional hypnotist who is making his or her living on the income coming out of this profession, sharing secrets will obviously create competition in the field, not always desired.

Basic Hypnosis Points

There are some points to be considered when you are planning to hypnotize someone in particular.

1. Every person can not be hypnotized.

2. The level by which people gets under the effect of hypnotism vary from person to person.

3. It is difficult to hypnotize a person with high ego; plus it is comparatively easier to hypnotize a low profile person.

4. People of different sex, age & brainpower have varied resistance to hypnosis.

5. No can be hypnotized against his or her will. This is point of debate & not all hypnotists agree over this point.

Basic Steps of Hypnosis

With keeping above points in mind here is how to start practical hypnosis.

1. First, test the subject to find out how 'suggestible' he or she is. There are two easy tests to find out how 'suggestible' the person is:

a. Ask him to roll his eyes upwards as far as he can. The less the colored partof the eye you see, the more easily you can hypnotize him.


b. Ask them to look at a small light in a darkened room. Then pretend to move the light and ask them �if it is moving or not?�The person who quickly replies affirmative will be easier to hypnotize.

2. When performing hypnosis look for a quiet, secure, soothing environment, without any noise or disturbance. The disturbance like music, television can cause lose of concentration for you as well as the subject.

3. Don�t try to be in charge of subject�s mind rather try to make him responding to your directions.

4. Ask the subject to close his or her eyes. Then allow a short silent period. This period can be up to 1 minute or less depending upon the suggestibility of the subject. This silent period will help the subject to become calm and comfortable.

5. Start a gentle talk in a encouraging way. Ask subject to do some simple task, like moving the hand or finger up & down.

6. Next stage is to 'take command'. You can lead subject to do some types of actions easily e.g. blink eyes, visualize a fly around, movement of arms, legs. It is difficult but not impossible to lead a subject to more difficult actions like he is of age 7 & repeatedly asking for ice-cream or can run fast like Superman or has forgotten even his own name.. .

7. Do not forget your aim. As a hypnotist your aim is to relax the subject & make him unaware to their surroundings and get his focus on you and your directions.

To recap: start with simple instruction then gradually move to difficult instructions. Perform under quiet, secure, soothing environment.