Monday, December 29, 2008

Ten Steps To Follow To Hypnotise Anyone

1. Decide on your subject then you should always make sure you are in a patient mood..... The person you pick has to be willing to be hypnotized. Hypnosis doesn't work on everyone, so don't worry if it doesn't work on this person. It also takes a lot of practice. A great way to check if someone is a suitable subject is to tell them to close their eyes and imagine one of their hands getting lighter and lighter. Then tell them that their other hand is getting heavier and heavier. If one hand rises and the other hand lowers, then they're a good subject to use.

2. Set the mood. The room does not necessarily have to be silent. However, you need to find ways to keep the subject relaxed. Make sure the room isn't too hot or cold, and that the noises in the room aren't distracting. Playing soft, calming music can help. Make sure the subject is sitting comfortably in a chair and let them slouch as much as they need to.

3. Before you start the relaxation process Have them breath in deeply through their nose, and out deeply through their mouth. Then get them to tense their muscles really tightly for 10 seconds, then have them untense them for 10, then retense for another 10. This should get them feeling loose all over, and the oxygen to the brain will make them relaxed.

4. Mental Contract. Tell them that they agree that they are going to be hypnotised, and that they agree to let you hypnotize them to do anything. This part opens their subconscious, allowing you to do all sorts of bizarre things to them!

5. Begin the relaxation process. Have them lie down and tell them to close their eyes. This part gets very boring for the hypnotist, but the fun stuff is coming. Tell them that you are going to count down backwards from 100 to 0. Tap your foot every second you count and tell them that with every tap they are going to get sleepier and sleepier (DO NOT say the infamous: "You are getting sleeeeeeeeeeepy". It is stereotypical, stupid and never actually works. Do that and you'll get a permanent ban!) Tell them that by the time you reach zero they will be asleep. Start counting. On every number ending in 7 or 3, remind them how tired they are getting. For example: 100, 99, 98, 97 - you are getting more tired and more tired - 96, 95, 94, 93 - you are getting more tired and more tired - 92, etc. You should be counting down at the rate of one digit every two foot taps. Yes, that slow. Boring, I know. Every ten digits, tell them that by the next 10 counts they are going to be twice as tired. For example: 92, 91, 90 - now by the time I reach 80 you are going to be twice as tired, twice as relaxed, and twice as feeling good - 89 etc. Eventually that will be getting them super sleepy. By the time you reach zero they should be asleep.

6. Prepare them for manipulation. Tell them to imagine themselves in a dreamy, wonderful meadow that is warm and happy. Say that there is a cloud in the sky that is sweeping down and picking them up and up and up. It's soft and happy and starts absorbing their toes, cool, tingly, and numb. It is moving up their feet, absorbing their ankles. Eventually have the cloud move up their entire body, eventually engulfing their body and making them numb, cool and tingly. Do this slowly, going through every body part individually.

7. Begin manipulation, but within bounds. Tell them that when the cloud moves, their body moves with the cloud, and it starts by lifting their arm. Specify which arm, and say that it keeps lifting up and up and up.Once their arm is extended in the air (this usually takes a while the first time, but once you get them to move their arm once, it should all happen faster.) Tell them their arm is limp and heavy as lead. It should drop. This should have you thinking, "Oh my gosh! Yes! Now eat this steak." *gives them a shoe* And yes, you are about to have a very fun time. However, you can't just impose things on the hypnotized. If you are too pushy, they will wake up. If you mess up, they will wake, and you will have to get them back into the trance all over again. Here's what to say to get them to do specific commands (For this I am going to use the gnawing on a shoe example.) Tell them the cloud is lowering them into their favorite restaurant and that every food imaginable is on the menu. They can order whatever they want. They will then tell you their order. Tell them you are giving them their food (give them the shoe) and tell them its going to be the tastiest thing ever. They will start gnawing on it, and probably complain that its really tough. It's super fun!

8. Bring your subject out of the trance. Count in a positive, upbeat voice, adding energy to the subject with each number ("You are getting more and more awake..."). Just before you wake them, you can give them a positive boost - like telling them that they will rest well that night - or a final trick - like telling them that they will laugh uncontrollably whenever someone shakes their hand. These effects will eventually wear off, but it's fun to watch.

9. Collect the cash and/or applause.

10. If you want them to go back into the state of hypnosis, try asking them to follow one point on your hand with their eyes (not head) and talking soothingly, then saying "sleep" at an unexpected moment. If they were in a deep state that they have not yet fully awoken from,they should go back into it.
