Sunday, June 28, 2009

How to Covertly Persuade Anyone Easily - With the Power of Story Telling

People love to hear stories. That's why we watch movies. That's why we enjoy reading crazy gossip stories in the tabloids. That's why we still remember the fables we read when we are still a child.

We are hard-wired to listen to stories because we want to be entertained. We find it hard to resist a good story.

A good story can help you captivate and persuade your audience.

And this creates an environment where you can covertly persuade your audience to do your bidding.

Using stories to eliminate the "barriers" between you and your audience is especially powerful when you can tell a story that matches their inner desires.

If it's a story they can identify with, they will be subconsciously drawn to you. Because you have touch them emotionally, and they want more from you.

Hypnotic story telling is a great weapon to have in your mind control arsenal.

A powerful way to tell stories is to use themes to attract them into a "trance" state.

We can do this with simple stories like getting them to imagine about going on a relaxing getaway or an exciting scene in a movie.

An inspiring story is also great for working up emotions.

Tales of triumph in the face of great adversity never fails to get the audience's attention. The pull of such stories is strong because of the positive feel good factor.

Ultimately the basis of a successful story is about finding out the prime motivation of your audience.

What is it that they want to hear?

If your audience is a child who is giving up hope on himself, tell him a story of someone who is in a similarly circumstances who has made it despite his obstacles.

Tell it in a while he can identify with.

That will translate a good story to a "sensational" one. When that is done, you put yourself in a state primed for irresistible covert persuasion.

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